1:1 Private Coaching

Get ready take control of your love life, unlock some serious heart-to-heart connections and boldly put yourself first!

For the woman who can’t seem to find, let alone attract, quality men, my 1:1 private coaching will help you discover your deepest desires, indulge with reconnecting with Self, and prioritize meaningful romantic connections so you can have a love of a life time, the romantic relationship of your dreams.

If you’re here, we both know dating nowadays isn’t a walk in the park.

But there are paths that are way less frustrating, emotionally draining, and satisfying than what you’re doing now.

When going out on first dates almost every weekend was your new normal, it was a BIG deal, right?

A swipe here, a swipe there and an algorithm dating app connection was made! It was so easy!

Until it wasn’t.

You kept seeing the same men on repeat, no matter WHAT app you were on.

You kept going on date after date to realize these men were emotionally unavailable, only wanting one thing.

You kept attracting men who were not ready to commit to the relationship ideal you were looking for.

And now, after months of dating, you whole heartedly believe there’s no good men left in your town, your standards are too high, and you’re, hypothetically, okay with being single for the rest of your life.

How do I know?

Because I’ve been there…

Hey, I’m Molly

I’m a former Division II college swimmer, a bona fide hype-woman, podcast host, and an ICF Associate Certified Life Coach. And yet more than a decade ago my love life was a complete disaster.

I divorced my husband in 2011 after I had tried to save our marriage when I found out he was cheating on me with numerous women.

Deep down I did not want us to fail as a couple. I wanted to know what I did wrong in our marriage in order to fix it.

Even after numerous conversations and my attempt to restore it all by going to couples therapy by myself, it was evident to me we were never going to make it work.

Honestly, I had to make a choice: stay in a hypothetical marriage where I felt like a failure or take a chance and choose myself even when the path wasn’t clear.

Being divorced before the age of 30 I felt like I had my whole life in front of me, but I still had to face my deepest fear: Would I ever find someone to love me?

Before my marriage I was never single. I had never truly dated.

Then had to throw myself into the online dating pool of 30-somethings emotionally unavailable men after my divorce.

There had to be a better way because I didn’t want to go right back to where I stared: alone.

So I read as many self help books about relationships as possible. I went to therapy for 13 months to the point where my therapist told me there was nothing more to work on!

Yet it wasn’t until I met a friend of friend who was a career coach that I noticed a pattern. I saw it first within my career when I was looking for validation at work… and then on my own I discovered that I was doing the same in my love life.

This entire time I was doing whatever I could so I would FIND love… when all I needed to do was work on myself, for myself… to fall in love with me first.

And that was when my reinvention began.

The Reinvention Process


Gain new insights as to what is impacting your love life, what you desire in a man and relationship, and create a love life vision to help you date with clarity, intention and accountability.


Reconnect with your Self to develop of a deeper understanding of your personal programming, personal behaviors, and dating and relationship patterns impacting your love life.


Focus on the four themes of self transformation consisting of self care, self love, self trust and self worth to create and develop an authentic connection to your Self and a partner.


My sessions with Molly gave me a much deeper and wider understanding of who I am and what is really important for me.

Her approach is unique and helped me realize what was there and what was missing. Coaching gave me the opportunity to look deeper into the changes that I wanted to bring into my life in order to have more alignment.

What worked yesterday no longer works for you today.

Now you’re feeling:

  • So emotionally, mentally, and even physically exhausted because you can’t seem to find the man you’re dreaming of.

  • Defeated as you come to terms that maybe, just maybe, your family and friends were right. You need to lower your expectations of a man.

  • Hopeless as you’ve been lead astray as to what a romantic relationship is supposed to look like.

  • Stressed the f*ck out due to societal pressures and the constant reminders from friends that you “should be” settled down by now.

  • Dreading getting back on the apps or out in “real world” to only continue to be disappointed.

Long story short, you don’t believe the man you want exists, you don’t see how your programming is influencing your love life expectations, and you don’t trust yourself to make good decisions on who is right for you to date.

But guess what? You’re lucky.

My one-to-one private coaching was made with you in mind.

Here’s how my 1:1 coaching helps you date quality men, put yourself first and create meaningful romantic connections.

  • You’ll have true conviction of what you want in a man and a relationship that you’ll be able to respond with confidence to those who are projecting their love life expectations on to you.

  • You’ll realize dating is no longer exhausting because you’re respectfully committing to yourself first by evaluating if this man is worth talking to or meeting in the first place.

  • You’re able to protect your energy and emotions by holding yourself accountable and guided with your love life vision.

  • You’ll acknowledge your past programming while leaning into the curiosity of what it teaches you about what you really want in your love life vision.

  • You’ll practice using coaching techniques and tools to help you pivot from your old patterns and behaviors to new responses.

  • You’ll understand and overcome sabotaging behaviors through new choices when you need to respond to romantic partners and situations.

  • You’ll create strong boundaries help you commit to yourself while dating with intention.

  • You’ll utilize your intuition to help to make decisions that not only help you hold your love life vision, but build trust with yourself and the process.

  • You’ll allow space in your life for romantic connections worth your time and effort, while still living your life the way you desire.


The main challenge I brought to coaching with Molly was the ability to choose myself... in all aspects of life.

With guys, family, you name it. I had to really take a step back and ask myself if some of these relationships in my life were life-giving or life-draining. 

During coaching with Molly, she not only challenged me, but also encouraged me along the way by celebrating all the things that make me... me! She helped me to be able to identify behaviors from people around me and create some healthy boundaries and to be okay with that!

Even though implementing some of these new tactics was painful and challenging at times... I learned so much about myself and grew tremendously as a person. 

Molly is 100% my hype woman and truly believes in me. From the beginning, I have always felt accepted with Molly and totally embraced for being a high achieving goal getter. I came in with the belief that something was probably wrong with me because I haven't "found my person" yet. But I just learned that I'm incapable of settling for less than what I deserve. Molly helped me realize that!! Truly. 

If you decide to do coaching with Molly... buckle up and get ready! She puts 100% of herself into your growth. Coaching with Molly truly changed the way I think, not just about myself, but the way I want to live my life. She planted a new hope in me that was not there before, and for that I am forever thankful.

Choose your desired level of clarity, connection, or confidence to have the love of a life time and relationship of your dreams

My 1:1 private coaching runs all year round.

That means you can apply for 3 months of coaching to gain the clarity of what you’re looking for in a man. Or you can go for a full year to really lean into putting yourself first to attract the man and relationship, you truly desire.

You can even apply for 3 months of coaching and decide you want to sign on for additional months to achieve the 6 month or year long desired outcomes!

If you want the love of a lifetime, a relationship of your dreams, you have to choose yourself first.

When you do the inner work you’ll have the clarity, connection and confidence knowing you’re enough.

Clarity Coaching

For the woman who is frustrated with attracting the wrong kind of men

Clarity Coaching will help you take control of your love life by gaining new insights as to what influences it so you can go on a date armed with crystal-clear and focused intentions.

Together we will:

  • Reflect on former flings, dating app disasters, and past relationships.

  • Reveal your values for your ideal relationship.

  • Uncover programming around love, relationships, and dating.

  • Create your Man of Your Spreadsheet Dreams.

  • Sculpt your love life vision to guide you forward.

With clarity, intention, and accountability, you'll be able to date more effectively and find the love you deserve.

3 months $2,500

Includes 90 minute Foundation Session, 6 structured one hour biweekly calls, and one day of Voxer Coaching each week for 3 months. Extended payment plans available.

Connection Coaching

Connection Coaching empowers you

To explore your personal programming and how it affects your love life so you can reconnect with your true Self and spark meaningful romantic connections.

Together we will:

  • Reconnect with self through deeper self analysis and focus

  • Challenge programming around self, love, dating, and relationships.

  • Establish boundaries to empower you for meaningful romantic relationships

  • Plus, all of what is covered in 3 months of Clarity Coaching

Gaining insight into your programming, habits, and dating patterns can help you understand what's holding you back in the romance department.

6 months $5,000

Includes 90 minute Foundation Session, 6 Clarity Coaching structured one hour biweekly calls, 6 Connection Coaching semi-structured one hour biweekly calls, and two days of Voxer Coaching each week for 6 months.
Extended payment plans available.

Confience Coaching

Confidence coaching prioritizes the most important relationship in your life: YOU!

By looking within and focusing on the four transformations of Self, you will uncover deeper realizations so you can boldly put yourself first knowing a quality man is worth the wait

Together we will:

  • Review imbalances of the four transformations of Self to prioritize your next steps.

  • Recognize opportunities to deepen the four transformations of Self.

  • Communication development to prioritize your four transformations of Self.

  • Resetting boundaries created with Connection Coaching to deepen connection to Self with transformation, all while dating with intention and being guided through your love life vision.

  • Plus, all of what is covered in Clarity and Connection Coaching

By prioritizing these elements of Self, you can strengthen your bond and foster a deeper understanding of yourself and a future partner.

12 months $10,000

Includes 90 minute Foundation Session, 6 Clarity Coaching structured one hour biweekly calls, 6 Connection Coaching semi-structured one hour biweekly calls, 12 Confidence Coaching semi-structured one hour biweekly calls, and three days of Voxer Coaching each week for 12 months.
Extended payment plans available.

Questions? I have answers!

What if I need support between sessions?

That’s what Voxer Coaching is for! You will receive one to even three days of Voxer Coaching each week based on which coaching program you choose.

Do I need to schedule all my sessions in advance?

After your Foundation session you will need to schedule at least your next session before we end our call. I recommend scheduling at least two sessions in advance, especially if you have limited availability.

Are there any payment options available?

Yes, I have extended payment options available and if we make a great team, these options will be discussed when we review your coaching application.

What if I am unable to attend biweekly coaching sessions?

Life does happen and flexibility is needed to make sure you are getting the most out of your coaching. I have found when coaching sessions are extended to every three weeks or even monthly, clients do not achieve the results they desired when first coming to coaching.

If something comes up, we will make the shift for one or two sessions and then return to the biweekly calls.

Imagine what your life would look like in 3 months if you took action today?

In 6 months?

Or even a year?

Don’t keep wasting your time, energy and efforts trying to figure it out on your own.